Sunday, August 22, 2010

first post

hello there, & welcome to the page on which i will be posting my new project.

it all started back when i saw Julie & Julia... about one woman's goal to go through Julia Child's whole recipe book. that definitely struck a chord in me, because i rarely finish ANYTHING i begin. and, frankly, i blame it on my personality type (ENFP).

then, just recently, i landed upon this blog... about a girl who is making 365 new dresses (or garments) in 365 days with $365. again, this struck a chord. more than that, though, i was inspired and challenged. it seemed tangible for me to do the same, but in something i enjoy.

the mission: starting september 1st, i plan to create 365 new paintings in 365 days.

as an art major, i feel like this is sheer madness, since on average, i spent 2 weeks & HOURS immersed in a single painting. however, the goal isn't to create masterpieces- it's simply to create. great or not-so-great, i will be painting.

anyways, to hold me accountable, i plan to take a picture of each one & post it on here by midnight on that day. i hope you enjoy the journey!


  1. fun, tiff! are you going to display all of those paintings? if not, i want dibs on at least one. my favorite color is green. :)

  2. This sounds like a divinely inspired idea, Tiffany! Very reflective of the inspiration in your Dickens quote, but with the bones to back it up with. I'll be checking back to root you on!

  3. thanks, yall!!

    i'm not sure what i will do with these paintings yet! i'd like to keep them to start off with, but 365 paintings is a lot to store in my house. so, we'll see!

  4. Great idea Tiff...I am going to get Laura to think about doing something like this

  5. way to go tiffies! i can't wait to see your stuff!

  6. I may want to commission a painting! I enjoyed seeing your lovely work, thanks for sharing the paintings with us.
