Thursday, April 7, 2011

day one hundred eighty-eight

Hi folks! How are y'all doin? Although a bit tired, I'm doing pretty well.

Today was a very full day, and I'm about to embark on a very full weekend. I am excited to be going to Little Rock for a wedding - as the date of a special guy. Also, I will be able to reunite with some friends I don't get to see often. Overall, I am anticipating a joyful weekend! Note: I will still be painting, but I'm not sure if they will be posted in the same way. Check back in a couple days if they don't show up immediately. Thanks for your understanding. :)

I thought yesterday would be my last brown banana painting. Alas, I bring you another old banana - this time, in black & white. I approached this one as more of a drawing. I used a thinner brush and basically sketched it out. And, yes, this is the same banana. 

4.5x7.5" watercolor

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